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Internet References to
Varian Fry
Associates and "Clients"
The Novelist Lion Feuchtwanger (1884-1958) By Harold von Hofe
Feuchtwanger Memorial Library University of Southern California
Postface au 'Diable en France' - Nachwort (frz.) zu 'Der Teufel in Frankreich' - Lion Feuchtwanger
to The Devil in France/Le Diable en France (in French), Jean-Claude
Capèle's afterword to Lion Feuchtwanger's account of his experiences in Vichy
Eleanor Roosevelt (National First Ladies' Library's indispensable reference site)
Myths of a Great Artistic Migration: Following the Flight of Chagall, Dali, Ernst et al. by Robin Cembalest, Feb. 21, 1997 Beginning of the article The Forward, available for purchase from Northern Lights
LACMA Press Release (no longer online), Exiles and
Emigrés: The Flight of European Artists from Hitler
(1/17/97) on the excellent exhibit curated by Stephanie Barron of
the Los Angeles County Museum of Art
exhibit catalogue by Merle Schipper
A Cultural Gift by Hitler, by Robert Hughes, Time Magazine, March 24, 1997
University Press/Fall 1995 Books/A Propensity to
Self-Subversion by Dr. Albert Hirschman
The prominent economist and thinker was a close colleague of
Varian Fry's in Marseille (nicknamed Beamish in Fry's memoirs).
This stimulating collection contains reflections on Hirschman's experiences
during that time.
Berliner Morgenpost Online article (in German) on Dr. Albert Hirschman
Die 'Cahiers du Sud': Das zweite Gesicht Marseilles, article (in German) by Bettina Krüger on the important intellectual Marseille periodical "Cahiers du sud," with references to Varian Fry and the rescue effort. "Clients" of Fry's Centre américain de secours contributed to the Cahiers du sud
Information on Jacques Hérold (hyperlink lost), artist who was turned down by the Fry Committee, but survived.
Disciple Without Profit, article by Walter Sorrell on Karl Frucht, who was a refugee in Marseille in 1940-41 and worked with Varian Fry
of Stanton ("Tod") Catlin, close friend of Varian Fry's,
interviewed for upcoming And Crown Thy Good
shortly before his death in 1998.
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