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Websites pertaining to
Varian Fry
The Chambon Foundation's Varian Fry website, now affiliated with the Varian Fry Institute, was established on the Internet in 1997.
The Varian Fry Foundation Project/IRC, established in 1997 by the late Dr. Walter E. Meyerhof under the auspices of the International Rescue Committee. The International Rescue Committee was, to some extent, the successor organization to the Emergency Rescue Committee, the organization created in New York in 1940 to deal with the refugee crisis in Europe.
relating to Varian
and his rescue mission
Varian Fry in Marseille by Pierre Sauvage
Google Scholar's search results for "Varian Fry"
Varian Fry: the artists’ Schindler by Rebecca Kaplan Boroson, New Jersey Jewish Stanrdard, June 8, 2006
Mission Possible by Gordon A. Craig, New
York Review of Books, Dec. 2, 1999 (not online)
Review of Andy Marino's A Quiet American and Varian Fry's Surrender on
Moral Triage or Cultural Salvage? The Agendas of Varian Fry and the Emergency Rescue Committee by Elizabeth Kessin Berman. In Exiles and Emigrés. The Flight of European Artists from Hitler (catalogue of the remarkable exhibit), edited by Stephanie Baron with Sabine Eckmann. Los Angeles and New York: Los Angeles County Museum of Art and Harry N. Abrams, 1997
Escape from Vichy by Carroll, Donald. American Heritage, Vol. 34,
No. 4, June/July 1983
The Saviour by
Carroll, Donald. The Independent Magazine, London,
March 11, 1995
Homage to Varian Fry by Alfred Kazin, New
Republic, Feb. 9, 1998
Excellent summation by the late, eminent literary critic,
who knew Varian Fry, introduced into
the Congressional Record by the Hon. Tom Lantos. (Kazin was a consultant
on the upcoming And Crown Thy Good, and was
interviewed for the documentary shortly before his death in 1998.)
Fry: A Hero for Our Time by Blanche Wiesen Cook (New York Council for the
Also by scholar Blanche Wiesen
Cook (not online), The Nation,
April 6, 1998
Varian Fry by Henry and Elisabeth Urrows. Harvard Magazine, March-April 1990
A Rescuer of Intellectuals From Vichy France by Nicholas Fox Weber, New York Times, Arts & Leisure, Nov. 16, 1997
Varian Fry, a Hero Forgotten by
Richard Z. Chesnoff, New York Daily News, Feb. 26, 1998, reprinted
as America's Schindler
by Jewish World Review
by Richard Z. Chesnoff.
Schindler article on Varian Fry by Richard Z. Chesnoff (New York Daily News,
The Hon. Tom Lantos' tribute to Varian Fry in the House of Representatives Congressional Record, Aprl 22, 1991
Address by Reynold Levy, former President of the International Rescue Committee, at an exhibit in Budapest, Hungary, on the life and work of Varian Fry, introduced into the Congressional Record by the Hon. Tom Lantos, Sept. 29, 1997
America's Schindler is honored at last for saving 4,000 Jews by Robin Wright, Feb. 6, 1996 (Seattle Times Extra: National news from Los Angeles Times)
A Cultural Gift from Hitler by Robert Hughes, Time, March 24, 1997.
Le Temps
review (in French) of the 1999 French edition of Varian Fry's Surrender on
Demand, La liste noire
review by Guillaume
Piketty of La liste noire
République internationale
des lettres (March 1999) on La liste noire
To order La liste noire from alapage.com.
The American Schindler by Naomi Pfefferman, Jewish Journal, Los Angeles, February 28, 1997.
Sean Price's Junior Scholastic (April 27, 1998) one-act middle-school play, Rescued From the Holocaust, with lesson plan
104th Congress Congressional Bills, House Bills H.R. 3352 (ih) To award a congressional gold medal to representatives of Varian Fry in [Introduced in House]—PDF size: 5785
artcult article on Varian Fry: the Saviour of So Many Avant-Garde Artists During the War
Yad Vashem Department for the Rightous on Varian Fry
Potsdamer Platz Varian-Fry-Straße (Varian Fry Strasse/Varian Fry Street) in Berlin, from Berlin's Zitty online
BBC's Varian
Fry Links
BBC's documentary The
Artist's Schindler, presented in U.S. on Bravo Network
Music and Arts: The Works David Kerr article
of The Artist's Schindler (in German)
1998 Symposium in Honor of Varian Fry IRC and New School for Social Research, Jan. 30, 1998
Resource Guide for Teachers by Anita Kassof materials designed for grades 7-12
Varian Fry
Foundation Project: University of Birmingham (U.K): Dr. Simon Kitson, UK
Dr. Kitson's Vichy
1991 Showtime movie Varian's War, purporting to be about Varian Fry
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