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of the 2,000 people assisted by Varian Fry
and the Emergency Rescue Committee
(in alphabetical order per category)
Marc Chagall in Gordes, France, in 1941
Marc Chagall, artist
Marcel Duchamp, artist
Max Ernst, artist
Wifredo Lam, artist
Jacques Lipchitz, sculptor
Chaim Lipnitski, photographer
André Masson, artist
Hans Namuth, photographer
Charles Sterling, museum curator
Bruno Strauss, art critic
Paul Westheim, art critic
Ylla (Camilla Koffler), photographer
Napoleon in the Wilderness, Max Ernst
Writers, Publishers, Editors
Hannah Arendt, writer
Georg Bernhard, newspaper editor
André Breton, writer
Heinrich Ehrmann, economist
Lion Feuchtwanger, novelist
Leonard Frank, novelist
Giuseppe Garetto, novelist
Oscar Goldberg, scholar
Hans Habe, novelist
Konrad Heiden, writer, biographer of Hitler
Wilhelm Herzog, anti-fascist writer
Berthold Jacob, pacifist, journalist
Jean Malaquais, novelist
Golo Mann, historian
Heinrich Mann, writer
Valeriu Marcu, historian
Walter Mehring, poet
Hans Natonek, humorist
Ernst-Erich Noth, writer
Hertha Pauli, novelist
Benjamin Péret, poet
Alfred Polgar, essayist
Hans Sahl, writer
Jacques Schiffrin, publisher
Victor Serge, writer
Franz Werfel, writer
Kurt and Helen Wolff, publishers
Theater, Music
Hans Aufricht, theatrical producer
Edvard Fendler, conductor
Erich Itor-Kahn, pianist
Heinz Jolles, pianist
Siegried Kracauer, film critic
Wanda Landowska, harpsichordist
Lotte Leonard, singer
Alma Mahler Werfel, muse
Poliakoff-Litovzeff, theatrical producer
Science, Philosophy
De Castro, Secretary of the Faculty of Science at the University of Madrid
Emil S. Gumbel, statistician
Jacques-Salomon Hadamard, mathematician
Alfredo Mendizabel, professor of philosophy at the University of Madrid
Otto Meyerhof, physiologist, winner of 1922 Nobel Prize for Medicine
Boris Mirkine-Guetzevitch, Sorbonne
Peter Pringsheim, physicist
Bruno Strauss, psychiatrist
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